Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Hardware and Software Requirements for Customized iPhone Application Development

It would be unfair to compare iPhone with other smart phones because of its wide array of additional features and functionalities. With the growing popularity of the Apple iPhone, its applications are also getting popular every day. The iPhone mobile application development scenario has witnessed a huge surge of application developers, courtesy of a multi-purpose SDK and more opportunities to create innovative apps. Iphones

The biggest advantage of the iPhone over other mobile platforms is its single user interface. Application development for other platforms would require huge investments for device porting, let alone building the whole application. Such is not the case with the iPhone. However, if you are planning to develop your own customized iPhone application, you would require essential hardware along with the SDK. Here are some important hardware and software requirements for the iPhone open application development platform:

A Mac Computer:

This is the most important hardware that any iPhone application developer should acquire. iPhone applications development can only be possible using an Apple X operating system in an Intel-based Mac machine. Opt for a new dual-core Mac to get some amazing speeds. The Interface builder and Xcode run smoothly on such machines. Also, make sure your PC boasts at least 2GB RAM to make the development process speedier.

Cocoa Frameworks:

Cocoa is a collection of frameworks that provide a perfect environment for developing iPhone applications. Primarily written in Objective-C, Cocoa frameworks let you add excellent features to your application. The frameworks are accessible to Objective-c programs. Cocoa contains frameworks such as Foundation and Application Kit, which includes controls such as menus, text fields, windows and buttons.

 iPhone Simulator:

It comes bundled with the iPhone SDK and is a very useful simulation environment to test your applications. However, you will have to test applications on the iPhone if you are testing its GPS functionality.

Source: Articlealley, Arun Kumar

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